Blue Monday or Brew Monday
Blue Monday: A Load of Rubbish, so have a brew instead:
Remember Blue Monday? That supposed "most depressing day of the year"? Well, let's just say it's a load of rubbish!
This "scientifically calculated" day of doom was invented by a travel company in 2005. Talk about a mood-killer! They used a completely made-up "equation" involving things like weather, debt, and failed New Year's resolutions.
Focussing on the negative, makes us feel low and more likely to follow suit with our behaviours and choices, not much help really is it, with no real benefits.
Now lets talk about Brew Monday, a much nicer idea! Brew Monday was created by the Samaritans specifically to combat the negative connotations of "Blue Monday."
So how about concentrating on connection instead? Having a brew with someone you want to spend time with, in person or even online brings us together. Sharing some downtime with others helps us and others feel, well, connected to people, the world and ourselves. Let face it, a good brew and a catch up is just plain good for our mental health all round!
Choosing a positive behaviour reinforces our thinking that taking time out for 10mins just for a brew and a catch up makes us feel great. Lots of benefits right there. Plus there is always the rabbit hole to chat about around ‘to dunk or not to dunk and what to dunk’! But lets not go there!
So, on Brew Monday, who are you going to take time out to have a cuppa with, lift your day and someone else too!